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About Us

Hextable Scout Group is jointly the oldest group in the Swanley District. Originally called 1st Swanley Junction Scout Troop set up in 1910 and meeting in the town, the group split in 1936 the group colours of mauve and black were retained by the new 1st Crockenhill Scout group who met in a hut in Stones Cross Road that was prone to flooding.

The name 1st Swanley  was proudly brought to Hextable  The boys met in a timber framed corrugated iron clad  hut in Princess Road, it had a small store, a kitchen with a cold tap and a single w.c. with a main hall measuring about 15 x 30 feet.

To celebrate the King George V Silver Jubilee in June 1936 the then Prince of Wales inaugurated the Silver Jubilee Trust Fund.

 This was set up to "help young people develop in mind body and character, so that they may become useful citizens 

In 1936 a successful application  was made to the King George V Silver jubilee trust fund and in 1937 The scout hut (The Den) was built on donated land in Princess Road.

The building (which still stands) became unfit for purpose and fund raising by the parents and supporters group through the 1960's and 70's enabled the current scout hall to be built.

Fund raising included Bob a Job Week, an annual fete held on Furness School field, sponsored walks, buy a brick,raffles and jumble sales, where the boys went around the village with trek carts to collect jumble. The old scout hut was sold to help meet the costs of the current hall.

The current hall was built in the 1980's and it was at this time re registered 1st Swanley (Hextable) to reflect the village location whilst retaining the historic links of the 1st Swanley Junction Troop.

In addition to Scouting, the hall is used by community groups, including  Dog Training and Dog Aid Groups and Hextable Active Retirement Association and last but by no means least the Brownies,Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. 

The original aims for young people set out by the King George V Jubilee Trust  Fund remain the same in scouting today, however the activities available to Beavers, Cubs and, Scouts are certainly 21st century.

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